We're living in the age of images, with sexual ones very often on the front page. 'All the parts are important and the genitals are no exception. 'With everyone seeing images of the body the whole time these days, men are more aware and worried about their bodies,' he told MailOnline. 'ĭr Viel, who says demand for the procedure has shot up by more than 40 per cent in the last year, isn't the only surgeon to find himself bombarded with applications from men desperate to give their manhood a boost.ĭr Alessandro Littara, a Milan-based surgeon, claimed last year that demand for penis extension surgery among Italian men was shooting up by a record 25 per cent annually, and pinned the blame on the flood of sexualised images that crop up on everything from TV to billboards. 'But believe me, large numbers of men reading this will not be laughing – even visiting the gym can cause heartache.